Our Mission
Lincoln County Community Health Council's mission is to develop and implement an comprehensive countywide plan that promotes and strengthens the health, well-being, and quality of life of Lincoln County residents.
What are the priorities of the Community Health Council?
The Council studies specific issues that are priorities for Lincoln County residents. We examine these through statistical reports, community assessments and prioritization, and professional evaluating tools. We then take action to make a difference. The LCCHC works through a monthly meeting, subcommittee meetings, teamwork, and community projects.
What is the LCCHC?
The Lincoln County Community Health Council is a collaborative effort by service providers and community members to promote cooperation and networking among agencies providing community health related services within Lincoln County.
The current priorities for LCCHC are:
Housing • Behavioral Health • Food Securities • Transportation • Access to Care
We currently meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month @ 8:00 am both in person and via Zoom. We meet at the Fellowship Hall of Community Methodist Church. The address is: 220 Church Dr., Ruidoso, NM 88345.
To join by zoom please use the link below: