Become A Member!
What are the benefits of joining the LCCHC?
• Be engaged in the current health issues and trends that impact the residents of Lincoln County.
• Understand the scope of our health related challenges as well as where progress being made.
• Enjoy building bridges of understanding and networking with other agencies within the county.
• Utilize opportunities to share knowledge from your area of expertise and learn new ways of affecting change.
• Obtain new referral sources and resources; participate in health fairs and other community health activities.
What are the priorities of the Community Health Council?
The Council studies specific issues that are priorities for Lincoln County residents. We examine these through statistical reports, community assessments and prioritization, and professional evaluating tools. We then take action to make a difference. The LCCHC works through a monthly meeting, subcommittee meetings, teamwork, and community projects.
The current priorities for LCCHC are:
• Housing • Access to Care • Food Security
• Transportation • Behavioral Health
Roles and Responsibilities of LCCHC Members
Community Building
• Have a responsibility for and commitment to representing the interest of Lincoln County on health issues and identified priorities
• Be a part of creating networks in community health improvement
• Participate in the ongoing tasks of community building, such as gathering data on specific issues and submitting to Executive Committee for the profile and other projects
• Attend trainings and other educational sessions related to community health improvement and health council priorities, and report to LCCHC Chair on a quarterly basis
• Advocate for the health council in the local area
• Participate in monthly LCCHC meetings
• Participate in at least two special projects per year as part of the LCCHC
• Become informed about local health issues
Community Action
• Be a part of creating networks in community health improvement
• Participate in the ongoing tasks of community action by the Council and its subcommittees
• Participate in special projects related to coordination of actions, such as gathering data on specific issues and submitting to the Executive Committee for the profile and other projects
• Assist in the developing of linkage and strategies to benefit community health improvement work
• Be open to developing new ideas in reaching our goals
• Assist in identifying the needs of the local community
• Assist in ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the Council's and community's progress specific to identified priorities
Lincoln County Community Health Council Neutrality Policy
The Lincoln County Community Health Council (LCCHC) has participation from a very broad and diverse membership. One of our ongoing priorities is to help Health Council members, local organizations, and the community at large to make decisions about their health and well-being, by educating and providing information about health issues, policies, proposals and news that affects everyone.
The LCCHC will strive to be inclusive, recognizing that individuals and even experts may have differing opinions regarding different topics. We will attempt to present fairly what we believe to be reliable information, without endorsing one point of view over another. At no time will the health council endorse any political or social viewpoint and will do our best to present all aspects of a matter objectively and with balance.
The Lincoln County Community Health Council (LCCHC) is an organization dedicated to promote and strengthen the health, well being, and quality of life of Lincoln County and Mescalero residents. Membership of the Council is open to anyone who is interested in promoting this concept. The Council operates under the auspices of the LCCHC, which approves members of the Council. It is therefore necessary to have a list of people who are interested in being active members of the Council. While all meetings are open to anyone in the county who cares to attend, voting on issues is limited to Council members.
If you are interested in being a Council member, please click the link below to fill out our New Member Form. We are excited about the work the Council is doing. Please be part of the efforts to make our community healthier and safer for our children and their families.
Alisha Westmacott, Coordinator
Lincoln County Community Health Council